san francisco zen center scandal

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san francisco zen center scandal

Not what the holy man is but what he signifies in the eyes of those who are not holy gives him his world- historical value. What passes for "knowledge" in society is built on the foundation of language. Sasaki, of Rinzai-ji, a Zen center in Los Angeles, is now 106 years old and, as his board members finally admitted in 2013, was groping and fondling unwilling students well into his 11th decade (he also ran a leading Zen center in New Mexico, and his lewdness did not respect state lines). He was what I needed. Until recently, the United States had very few natives who possessed that knowledge. Reviewed December 27, 2012 . In fact, David Chadwick, a student of both Suzuki and Baker, lent some credence to this assertion in his 1999 book about Suzuki, Crooked Cucumber. San Francisco from the 1960's into the 1980's was considered by many to be the freest city in America, especially when understanding "libre" as freedom from ideological constraints. It seems that Zen's emphasis on wisdom, while giving compassion only lip service, is really about power. The fact is that almost everything about Zen's presentation, practice, and rituals is aimed at producing people who give up their good sense with the promise of a greater gain in the future. But there is another kind of authority, an opposite kind, grounded in the invisible, the faith-based, the fictional. . In Downing's book we see that much illusion, suffering and pain has been part of Zen in San Francisco, a situation that, unfortunately, has been repeated in most every other part of America over a thirty-five year period. Green Gulch An organic farm and garden in a beautiful coastal valley in Marin County Tassajara A monastery and retreat center in a remote mountain valley in the Ventana Wilderness Learn and Practice at San Francisco Zen Center SFZC Online For example, Afable might have added that at Chobo-ji, a Zen temple in Seattle, Genki Takabayashi made passes at his female students. One component of Buddhism is to recognize cause and effect. One justification sometimes heard, glib to my ear, is that enlightenment is not about morality. What the teacher really offers the student is literally living proof that all this talk and the seemingly impossible goals can be realized in this lifetime. It is a sanitized description wherein any one roshi is replaceable by any other roshi, which is really no person at all. The Zen Institution Baker also claimed that he was trying "to protect Suzuki Roshi's legacy and lineage." This story appears to be an example of modern day creation of hagiography that will be repeated in the future. But for Schnyer this constantly refreshing membership was proof that the sangha did disapprove of Shimanos treatment of women. I see how my empowerment to protect and care for the Triple Treasure inflated my sense of personal authority, and thus detracted from and disparaged the Triple Treasure. However, it should be noted, that he let interviewees voice any number of inaccuracies without comment. San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC), is a network of affiliated St Zen practice and retreat centers in the San Francisco Bay area, comprising City Center or Beginner's Mind Temple, Tassajara Zen Mountain Center, and Green Gulch Farm Zen Center. Five years later (in 1988), roughly fifteen months after Anderson had become abbot of the San Francisco, Anderson was arrested for brandishing this same firearm in public. Spiritual attainment, insight into timeless truth(s) or any other profound changes in one's inner life play virtually no part in the majority of these Dharma transmissions or in the every day functions of these roshis. On the corner of Page and Laguna Streets in San Francisco, diagonally across from San Francisco Zen Center, is a corner building with a series of murals that wrap around the boarded-over windows. A theme repeated throughout Downing's book is Suzuki's injunction to "just sit," which means to do seated meditation. The Examiner reports that Preston has wants to use the mostly vacant 555 Fulton as . The Zen Buddhist Who Preyed on His Upper East Side Students, The Zen Predator of the Upper East Side,. In the end, Baker's problems at the Zen Center weren't so much about his seven or eight sexual affairs over a 20-year span (Chapter 23, if you get impatient). Anderson succeeded him as abbot, and later co-abbot. Although his salary was reportedly modest, he lived a lifestyle which many perceived as extravagant. Richard Dudley Baker (born March 30, 1936) is an American Soto Zen master (or roshi), the founder and guiding teacher of Dharma Sanghawhich consists of Crestone Mountain Zen Center located in Crestone, Colorado and the Buddhistisches Studienzentrum[1] (Johanneshof) in Germany's Black Forest. Under the Zen form of legitimization, each Zen roshi is viewed as a saint. For an analysis of the inherent power relations in the one-dimensional description of a roshi and how it is taken for being natural, see "Symbolic Violence and Social Reproduction" and "Uses of Language" in, Jenkins, Richard, Pierre Bourdieu, Routledge, 1992, pp.103-110 and pp.152-162 respectively. They believed their way of living and of practicing Zen was the best alternative available in America. It was high. Please consider a donation to San Francisco Zen Center. Yet we all know that no human is like this. In 2003 Paul Haller, who received transmission from Sojun Mel Weitsman in 1993, was installed as co-abbot with her. And after his death, several students of Dainin Katagiri, the founding abbot of the Minnesota Zen Meditation Center, in Minneapolis, reported having affairs with their teacher, who had been married. Furthermore, Chadwick told Victoria that when he (Chadwick) had once asked Baker himself about the basis for the claim, Baker replied that he could not remember! And as complete neophytes in Buddhism, they were apt to believe most anything a teacher said: The Americans had no competing knowledge, no critical faculties, no grounds to challenge the teacher, no fixed point on which to stand. Suzuki's arrival came at the tail end of the Beat movement and just prior to the social movements of the 1960s, both of which had major roots in San Francisco. Richard Baker is a man who through the ritual of Dharma transmission has been installed in the Soto Zen sect's "authentic" unbroken lineage going back to the historical Buddha. This ancient twisted karma I now fully avow. Live the Temple Life Mark Oppenheimer hosts the podcast Unorthodox for Tablet magazine and writes for The New York Times Magazine, Mother Jones, and GQ, among other publications. See Alan Cole, "It's All in the Framing." Shoes Outside The Door, p.237. He occupies an authoritative place in East Asian cultures that have already been imbued with a special level of hierarchy since ancient times. At a meeting of the Board of Directors of Lindisfarne at the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York, Thompson convinced the board to donate the campus that he had establishedwith its passive solar Lindisfarne Fellows House, Founder's House, and Lindisfarne Chapelto Baker-roshi's Dharma Sangha. Baker claimed that the Center, in evicting him, was "denying 2,500 years of how Buddhism was developed and continued" However, Baker's sleight of hand replaces Buddhism's 2,500-year tradition with Zen's fictional account of unbroken lineage going back to the Buddha. [10] The community's sense of crisis sharpened when the woman's husband, one of SFZC's primary benefactors, threatened to hold the organization legally responsible for its abbot's apparent misconduct.[11]. In the 1960's and 70's, San Francisco Zen Center students, like most other Zen students in the U.S.A., thoroughly accepted (among a range of glaring historical inaccuracies) the idealistic Zen rhetoric, including the notion that Dharma transmission is only about spiritual attainment, that all roshis are essentially equal, and that Zen institutions in East Asia are apolitical and divorced from the state. It is a performance meant to confirm and display the current master's significance, authority and attainment. Katagiri would go on to establish his own practice centerthe Minnesota Zen Centerin 1972 in Minneapolis. I believe that the reason for this surrender, in the case of Zen, is clear, structural, and self-perpetuating. Richard Baker is an extremely bright and talented person and a born salesman. [10] The Residence combined residential rooms that could house 70 women on the upper floors, with public spaces for spiritual, recreational, and educational uses on the ground floor and basement. It simply means that a power structure has evolved that will perpetuate itself even if it means imputing "attainment" to people who don't really have it. It all came tumbling down in a 1983 event known in Zen Center circles as "the Apocalypse." I finally asked Schnyer if he had said what Zournas attributed to him: He hasnt raped anyone yet, has he? How San Francisco Zen Center Operates The idea of the enlightened Zen master authenticated through the ritual of dharma transmission and maintained by an unbroken lineage going back to the historical Buddha is at the heart of the Zen tradition. Mission. After failing to re-create his Zen empire in Santa Fe, N.M., he settled in Crestone, Colo., where he presides over a much smaller Zen center. Downing shows that even in their every day negotiations for used restaurant equipment when they were opening Green's Restaurant, they held a disproportionate sense of their own importance in the wider community. Yet, I have found that within the Zen community there is little self-examination about Zen as an institution and its self-definitions and what the effects of these are in the world of flesh and blood people. Join the San Francisco Zen Center Membership Program. At times, senior disciples needed to reassure newcomers who questioned Baker's behavior that all was in order. [Note: This section offers background mostly not covered in Downing's book.] City Center A vibrant community in an urban temple in the heart of San Francisco. 837 501. The deal I cut with him, Kelly told me, was that he stop sleeping with Western women and only sleep with Japanese women, because they dont tell.. No one took the opportunity to stand back and view the entire affair from any sort of sociological, anthropological, psychological or religious-historical perspective. In 1989, some six years after Baker was forced to leave, he threatened to take back Zen Center by going to court. He does not sit zazen and only chants when he has a service to do for someone." Downing interviewed roughly eighty people, most of them Baker's students, approximately eighteen years after Baker was forced to resign. Downing, who lives in Cambridge, Mass., provides an outsider's view into the incestuous circles at the first Buddhist monastery in the West. [2], In the late-1980s Baker also gave shiho to Issan Dorsey, whom he had ordained as a priest in 1975. It was like a "game" of Zen where if any one speaks out or asks the wrong question, the "game" is ruined or finished, at least for that person. Definitely worth checking them out on their website and trying to attend the beginners lesson! For students of the San Francisco Zen Center, one of America's oldest and most prestigious Buddhist institutions, the world has already ended. Was it all really such a big deal? Even when Dharma transmission does reflect some level of something we may call spiritual attainment, it is not based on the idealized version proffered by the Zen institution: a mystical meeting of minds between teacher and disciple sharing a timeless truth that unvaryingly matches the minds of all teachers going back in the lineage, through the six Chan Patriarchs in China, and the twenty eight generations of the supposed Indian lineage going back to the historical Buddha, and beyond. Trouble At The San Francisco Zen Center Please see the Covid-Related Openings and Closings Updates page as well as the Calendar. Find classes, retreats, practice periods, and many more offerings in the San Francisco Zen Center calendar of events. At the same time, this supposed desireless image of the roshi is meant to invoke desire in us for him. I approached it with a searching spirituality aspect, reading Huxley and Timothy Leary, and that leads you down the road to the Beat generation and Zen. David Hume said in his Of the First principles of Government (1758) that "Nothing appears more surprising to those who consider human affairs with a philosophical eye than the easiness with which the many are governed by the few, and the implicit submission with which men resign their own sentiments and passions to those of their rulers." A gem! [34], Following Baker's resignation, Dainin Katagiri led the community until 1985. For some thirty years a significant group of scholars have been investigating the development of the Chan sect in Chinese Buddhism. The number of practitioners at SFZC grew rapidly in the mid-sixties. It is common talk around Zen Centers to hear that the Master can tell your state of mind just in hearing your footsteps in going to sanzen/dokusan, in simply seeing you in any activity, seeing you with a single glance, or in the most idealized version, "he just knows from a distance!" This is not surprising if we remember that in Soto Zen "spiritual attainment" is rarely a criterion for Dharma transmission. And he found them quite easily, because Westerners practicing Zen have an almost infantile relationship to what they perceive to be the authentic, Oriental father. The current crisis in the Catholic Church proves the need for such an institutional analysis. In the wake of Baker's resignation, SFZC transitioned to a democratically elected leadership model, until in 2010 there was a new introduction of a predesignated slated of board members. Surely others felt the same way, but only Schnyer and Kelly have been so bold or articulate, have made clear the amorality, and the misogyny, that can infect Zen practice and enable its malefactors. Asia is filled with monks and priests who know how to sit, chant, eat, bow, walk, dress, and live as a Buddhist. That made him the successor and dharma heir to Shunryu Suzuki, a Japanese Zen missionary who came to California in 1959 to serve immigrant families living in Japantown. My view of Zen as an institution, some of its problems, and how it operates is most completely expressed in my paper, "Means of Authorization: Establishing Hierarchy in Zen Buddhism in America", delivered as part of a panel on Chan at the American Academy of Religion Conference in Boston in 1999. One student said that when the senior priests were questioned about some aspects of Baker's behavior, the answer was, "Richard has Transmission." [2] As the American Dharma heir to Shunryu Suzuki, Baker assumed abbotship of the San Francisco Zen Center (SFZC) shortly before Suzuki's death in 1971. In reality it means, "don't question, don't look!" Five years later (in 1988), roughly fifteen months after Anderson had become abbot of the San Francisco, Anderson was arrested for brandishing this same firearm in public. One of Shimanos greatest advantages has been that he is Japanese. Finding Safe Harbor: Buddhist Sexual Ethics in America by Stephanie Kaza, Shoes Outside the Door: Desire, Devotion, and Excess at San Francisco Zen Center by Michael Downing: book review by Vladimir K. buy this book Desire, Devotion, and Excess at the San Francisco Zen Center. This is one reason why we are looking at his case, to see how the system works, how it has always worked. His critics say Baker "still doesn't get it," doesn't understand the errors of his way. In his letter, Zournas, who had resigned the presidency in July, details for the lawyers benefit how the various board members reacted to a motion that Shimano and his wife, then the organizations treasurer, be fired. Used with permission. In Northern California, Zen chic peaked in the early 1980s, and its rise and fall has much to do with the stories of two lives -- another Japanese man named Suzuki and another Westerner with a brilliant mind and roving eye. Greens Restaurant, opened in 1979 in Fort Mason of San Francisco, was another business venture by SFZC under the influence of Baker. Why should we think that Suzuki chose Baker as his only American Dharma heir based on his level of "spiritual attainment?" The suit cost the SFZC $35,000 to $40,000 in legal fees at a time when it was under financial pressure. He remained abbot there until 1984, the year he resigned his position after it was disclosed in the previous year that he and the wife of one of SFZC's benefactors had been having an ongoing affair. He writes, " The perfect disciplinary apparatus would make it possible for a single gaze to see everything constantly." "[16], On September 25, 1999 in Salem, Baker married Marie Louise, daughter of Maximilian, Margrave of Baden, and grandniece of Elizabeth II and Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh. As in any field, there is a need for experienced and knowledgeable teachers. Suzuki died of cancer on December 4, 1971. Zen practice is not required to stay at Green Gulch, though guests are welcome to participate in zazen or any other activities. Zen Groups Distressed by Accusations Against Teacher Joshu Sasaki in New Mexico in 2007. He is now a professor of psychology at the University of Texas, and in December 2012 I spoke with him by telephone. To this end, Zen Center is engaged in numerous social and ecological initiatives. Another error is seen in the statement that Yasutani roshi rescinded the Dharma transmission he gave to Philip Kapleau. Foulk disagrees with this view. If you are new to Zazen, they have a great Saturday morning tutorial session every week. More than anyone else, Baker built the Zen Center empire in Northern California, including its San Francisco headquarters at Page and Laguna streets and the rustic Tassajara monastery and hot springs in the mountains east of Big Sur. While traveling back to school after a vacation, he stopped with a friend at Dai Bosatsuthe Zen Studies Society's monastery in the Catskillsand was impressed immediately. Baker Sums It Up Good bread, fine wine and simple, yet elegant, dining were offered by Tassajara Bakery and by Greens, the gourmet restaurant at Fort Mason that dished out vegetarian cuisine and inspiring views of the bay. The leadership of San Francisco Zen Center required Anderson to take a leave of absence from his position as abbot. The Zen understanding of wisdom imputes Foucault's "single gaze to see everything constantly" to the Master. The duo published a book of recipes in 1987 titled The Greens Cookbook. Tassajara Bakery was a Zen Center venture promoted by Richard Baker as an extension of the baking practices at Tassajara Zen Mountain Center. Yamada gave Dharma transmission to Robert Aitkin, though Aitkin and his Diamond Sangha later separated from the Sanbokyodan organization after Yamada's death. Finally, as Suzuki apologized to Baker for what he was going to do to him, i.e., give him and only him Dharma transmission, Suzuki knew that all was not right or ripe or both with Baker. But in the end it is not the extraordinariness of the teacher that perplexes, intrigues, and deepens the student, it is the teacher's utter ordinariness. Stay connected. Trouble At the San Francisco Zen Center They will sit for five days or longer in the zendo before they are formally admitted into the monasterya physically daunting challenge. These days, when we think of predatory clergy, we think of Roman Catholic priests. In this regard Mr. Coming Down from the Zen Clouds: A Critique of the Current State of American Zen [9] The building, designed by Julia Morgan, was built as the Emanu-el Residence Club in 1922 for the Emanu-el Sisterhood. Guests are . Zen elevates its leaders to super-human status, then emphasizes that we should be obedient and subservient to a powerful and supremely accomplished authority figure, precisely because he is powerful and supremely accomplished. If you're looking for some information that's important to you (such as research for work or learning how to manage your money), then the advice here is to first write down the relevant keywords on a piece of paper to figure out exactly what you want, which will be a lot more efficient. Examining the work of any of the above-mentioned scholars will greatly reward the interested reader who would like to explore contemporary Zen/Buddhist scholarship. critical insights into Zen/Buddhism have strongly influenced my views: Robert Buswell, Alan Cole, Bernard Faure, T. Griffith Foulk, Robert M. Gimello, Peter N. Gregory, John Kieschnick, John R. McRae, A. Charles Muller, Mario Poceski, Robert H. Sharf, Morten Schlutter, Gregory Schopen, Brian Victoria, Albert Welter and Dale Wright. After a major fundraising effort led by Baker, Zen Center purchased the landwhich contained a rundown resort and mineral springs in 1967. Was Baker's commitment to Zen practice much greater than a number of other of Suzuki's close, very committed senior disciples? Sarasota, Florida. In the latter part of the book, Downing points out that the San Francisco Zen Center has beaucratized Dharma transmission so that in order to receive Dharma transmission a person must spend ten or twelve years going through the system. For an important look at Buddhist biography and hagiography though not especially Chan, the reader may look at Kieschnick, John, The Eminent Monk, University of Hawaii Press, 1997. Foulk doubts that the Chan sect existed as a separate sect with its own monastic institutions during the Tang dynasty. Besides the personal power of his position Baker lived with paid travel, an abundance of high-priced worldly goods, a number of well-appointed residences, a steady supply of household help and assistants, sex with his students and access to high profile friends. Transmission he gave to Philip Kapleau for him wisdom, while giving compassion only lip,. To reassure newcomers who questioned Baker 's behavior that all was in order until 1985 cost the SFZC $ to... 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